Royal Tomb KalOnline is not responsible for any kind of loss of your personal information, such as ID and Password.
Trading accounts or items for other servers, or within the server, is at your personal risk.
Attempting to sell accounts or items for real money (eBay, PayPal, etc.) is not our responsibility.
Sharing your account information or items is at your OWN RISK.
In case of loss, scam, or any similar situation beyond our control, we will not be able to assist.
Protect your privacy and be cautious.
Royal Tomb KalOnline team members do not offer support inside the game. The only valid way to contact support is via the Contact Us section on our website.
Do not trust anyone in-game claiming to be a GM/Admin. Report impersonators through proper channels.
It's important to use real and accurate information through the registration, an account with false information will not be able to verify their account. Their account will not be supported by our team.
Be aware it is your responsibility.
We welcome you to our community!
Best regards,
Royal Tomb KalOnline Team.